Professional Certificate in Institutional Locksmithing | Mr. Locksmith Training Professional | Mr. Locksmith Training To Sign-up for The Professional Certificate in Institutioinal Locksmithing go to Mr. Locksmith Training. 12 – 24 Months Institutional On-Line Locksmithing Class which is designed to teach engineering or maintenance employees for large facilities (School, Hospital, Corrections, etc.). The Hands-on […]
Top 10 Locksmith Tools for the Beginner Locksmith
April 2, 2017 by
Top 10 Locksmith tools for the beginner locksmith by Mr. Locksmith. Locksmith Tweezers: Special Tweezer with the ends rounded to hold pins. Follower: HPC 4 pc follower set to remove plug from cylinder. End Cap Removal Tool: You can use an awl, ice pick or pick but the end cap tool makes the job easy. […]